Never be such an expert that you don’t learn new things.

Do the hard things.

Success is the not linear.

Make the impossible look difficult.


Cloud platforms: Amazon Web Service (AWS), Google Cloud Provider (GCP), Azure, SalesForce., Docker / Kubernetes, ISTIO based Service Mesh VMware TAS / Tansu

Big Data: S3, BigQuery, Hadoop, MongoDB, Snowflake, Azure Synapse, Data-Bricks, ElasticSearch, Cosmos, DynamoDB, Blob storage, Couchbase, Cassandra

Relational Databases: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, (including GCP’s AlloyDB) Oracle etc

Data Integration / Stream technologies: Kafka, Spring Boot, Azure Data Factory, Apigee, GCP Workflow, GKE, AWS API Gateway, AWS Glue, GraphQL and all related IAM. / IDM / SSO / Federated technologies

Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): GitHub, Docker, Azure Devops Jenkins, Flux, Ansible, Terraform


Art of The Possible

Sea Change is constant

It demands respect, not fear Progress is dauntless





Technology is changing faster than ever. Staying abreast with technology requires more time and resources than can be spared. Testing and validating new technologies rapidly without burdening mission critical resources


Data-Blitz can rapidly build out a Proof of Concept for prospective technology investments. Providing insights into deployment, security, performance, interoperability and cost before committing resources. 


Strategic Solutions

Focus on People

Tech, Process, Money Need Them Peril to Ignore


With Big Changes strategies need to adapt quickly to changing business environments and technical capabilities. Course correction should happen early and often.

Providing leadership to business and technical teams keeps headaches to a minimum. Cadence and quality communication are critical to keeping the team focused on a quality objective.

Technical Execution


Once committed to a destination,  How do we get there effectively?

Hands on keyboard experience with proper


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